May 2000 Archives

May 31, 2000

5/31/00 -- Very interesting piece


5/31/00 -- Very interesting piece about Napster and the music industry…

May 30, 2000

5/30/00 -- Slowly giving the


5/30/00 -- Slowly giving the site a makeover. I figure it's about time my page moved into HTML 4.0 and such. CSS and DHTML are fun. :)

Possibly the site's look will really change -- I'm getting kinda tired of this background. We'll see how much "free" time I have this
summer. :)

May 25, 2000

5/25/00 -- I need a


5/25/00 -- I need a vacation.

May 22, 2000

5/22/00 -- 2 weeks till


5/22/00 -- 2 weeks till Jen comes home. 14 days… how can a mere 14 days feel like eternity when it's already been nine months? Very ready
for her to come home…

Update: Sitting on the 38th floor, pretty much by myself, watching the rain. Missing Jen.

May 19, 2000

5/19/00 -- Satire is such


5/19/00 -- Satire is such a wonderful thing.

May 18, 2000

5/18/00 -- Long time no


5/18/00 -- Long time no update. Darwin is great. I share an office with Aaron and another fellow on the 38th floor; one whole wall of the
office is windows. What a view… and the work's cool as well. Classes,
on the other hand, look to be a major snoozefest this summer. Oh well.

May 4, 2000

Catty press releases



"Time Warner Cable spokesman Mike Luftman reacted by calling Disney 'a hostile, cynical and out-of-control company.'

Back at ABC headquarters, spokeswoman Julie Hoover countered: 'We categorically deny being hostile or out-of-control, and we are undecided about cynical.'"

Now that's comedy. :)

May 3, 2000

5/3/00 -- I got paid


5/3/00 -- I got paid to go to a baseball game and drink beer today. How excellent. :)

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