Personal: April 2001 Archives

April 30, 2001

04/30/01 -- No more projects.


04/30/01 -- No more projects. No more finals. I'm tired and depressed.

April 12, 2001

04/12/01 -- <giggle>. Oh, and


04/12/01 -- <giggle>.

Oh, and I have a job. And Jenny decided on grad school. St. Louis, here we come…

April 11, 2001

04/11/01 -- I have Internet


04/11/01 -- I have Internet access again!!! :)

April 10, 2001

04/10/01 -- Had a decent


04/10/01 -- Had a decent job interview today. It was ironic, which is sort of unusual in job interviews. Also got around to putting actual pictures
on the Pics page, so enjoy. Of course, I haven't
taken any pictures in a few years, but
that's another problem.

About this Archive

This page is a archive of entries in the Personal category from April 2001.

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Personal: May 2001 is the next archive.

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Personal: April 2001: Monthly Archives

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