Other funny recent phrases

Lately, Ollie's language skills have gotten good enough that his brain can construct the sentences faster than he can say them. This leads, first of all, to the world's cutest "Ummmmm...." while he tries to figure out what he's trying to say. Second of all it leads to a fair number of spoonerisms and malapropisms. Tonight during his bath, Ollie was talking about his "Dubber Ruckies", but I missed the best one. Apparently Ollie and Jenny were in the car a few days ago driving home from daycare and Ollie saw a fire truck and got very excited, repeatedly yelling "Tire..." (I'm sure you can figure out the rest ;). I guess after several repetitions he stopped and said in a thoughtful tone, "This is hard" before continuing. Myself, I can't imagine how Jenny stayed on the road for laughing.

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This page contains a single entry by Eric published on February 24, 2009 9:03 PM.

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