Eric: June 2008 Archives

Father's Day Dinner

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As seems to happen so often on Eric-related holidays :) Jenny ended up horribly sick on Father's Day this year. She had promised me a nice relaxing day, starting with breakfast at the Original Pancake House, including a long nap, etc.

I did get the breakfast, at least. ;) Unfortunately, Jenny needed the nap more, so she got that, and by end of day she wasn't even feeling well enough for dinner. On the plus side, that meant I got to have whatever I wanted (and was willing to make, and had ingredients for...).

So I went with a couple of old standbys: barbecued veat-and-onion shish-ka-bobs, garlic fries, and a salad. The shish-ka-bobs we've mentioned before, and the salad was pretty standard, but the fries I haven't made in a while. I used a lot of garlic; I think it was about half a head all told. Jenny said the entire house smelled of garlic by the time I was done (which wasn't a nice thing for me to do to a sick girl, but I didn't realize she could smell it all the way upstairs).

So, from memory, here's the recipe.
4-6 smallish potatoes, washed and cut into matchsticks or wedges
1 Tbsp olive oil
1 tsp salt
Freshly ground black pepper
Garlic (however much you like; I usually go with 4-8 cloves, depending on size and mood)

Preheat the oven to 400F.
Crush/chop the garlic as fine as you can; a great way to get really fine garlic is to grate it with a microplane grater (good for garlic bread too). Throw the potatoes in a bowl, add the other ingredients and toss until well coated. Place on a cooking sheet and put in the oven until the fries are crispy, 30 minutes or so. Serve with a nice microbrewery IPA or Amber Ale. :)

Father's Day Dinner.jpg

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