Jenny: June 2008 Archives

It's a Small World After All...


Some how the entire contents of this entry got deleted. It was a long entry too. I will retype some of it, albeit more half heartedly.


First some important news, after the echocardiogram the other day, we now know for certain that the hole in Ollie's heart has closed up. This means that every injured organ is now healed. Ollie also had a big growth spurt. He was 23.3 pounds, which is 25%, and is 31 inches tall, which is 10%. We can no longer say he is a tiny toddler. I thought he felt heavy.


The original title of this is based upon our trip to Disney World. We took Ollie there to celebrate Eric's and my 7th Wedding anniversary (and 10th anniversary of being together). We had a terrific day. Ollie LOVED the rides, especially It's a Small World and the Carousel. We rode the carousel 3 times. He loved everything so much he refused to nap except for 2 short 30 minute pass outs in the stroller. He stayed awake and fairly cheerful through most of the Main Street Electrical Parade (or whatever it's called these days) and then we saw the fireworks on the ferry on the way to the car. Where he passed out. We had a lot of fun. At one point there was a big thunderstorm and after it cleared Ollie had fun splashing in the puddles and trying to figure out his shadow. He would race away from it and up to it, and couldn't figure out how to evade it. I went on the upgraded Haunted Mansion by myself during one of his brief naps, and they did a really nice job.


We also had a good time swimming in my dad's college roommate's pool. They made us an awesome dinner with homemade french fries and we had a great time. Ollie had fun jumping from the side of the pool into people's arms.


We went to the beach a couple of times. We took Ollie's new red wagon his grandma bought him to the local beach and he insisted on sitting in it while we labored to pull him over the sand. We went to a different beach that is on the ocean, not the gulf, and played in the waves for a long time. Then we sat at a tiki bar and we had coronas while Ollie had water.


Other than that there was some fun with Grandma, taking her to a spa, going to see Sex and the City, going to a really nice dinner in Tampa. She had a good birthday, which was the point, so I'm happy about that.


Since that we've been back to the grind, work and hanging out. We did have a bunch of friends (adult and child) over for a barbeque Sunday. We had kids ranging from four months through 6 or 7 I think running around the backyard. We put up several umbrellas to provide more shade and set up the tent, which was a big hit. That, along with the water table, the sand box, the bubbles, and the sidewalk chalk made the back yard a blur of activity. At the end of the evening we served ice cream floats. Ollie had his own dish of ice cream and was feeding it to himself. He loves ice cream a lot, which is why he seldom has it. So he was wolfing it down as fast as he could. At one point he all of a sudden started wailing as if in extreme pain. We figured out he had freezy headache. So I picked him up, calmed him down, and he wanted to eat more. So I told him to go slower. Did this work? Heh. So we did the whole wail, calm down, eat, wail thing a few more times. Then I took away the ice cream, which of course caused more wailing. Basically he was just very, very tired at that point.


In another week or so we are going on vacation again! Which shouldn't help his current sleeping issues. He's gone back to waking up quite a bit and needing to be shushed or briefly snuggled before he'll go back to sleep. When we get home we'll be home for a long long while, which should help calm down the sleep problems, I hope. It also seems like his molars are still giving him trouble, as they slowly creep into his mouth.


So that's the news in Ollie world.