Jenny: September 2008 Archives

It has been awhile...

Sorry! We've been struck down with illness, hosted some Ike refugees, played a bunch of hockey and soccer, and otherwise rolled on with our lives.

I'm a lazy mama.

So our dear Ollie Grey has definitely entered the terrible twos. We've had serious meltdown fits about not getting what he wants when he wants it (even if he's not allowed to have it and he knows it) for days on end. Shrieking, crying, wailing, flinging of small body to the ground. It's quite the spectacle. And Mama and Dada remain unmoved, because he cannot have sugar free Fruit Punch and that's that. At least the tears prove he's well hydrated.

Ollie is of course doing all sorts of new things that are terribly exciting to his parents. He talks a whole lot. He still enjoys reading books and it surprises me how many of the things in the books he knows. He has an ABC bath book and he can identify what pretty much all of the things in the book are. Today we read a book his Great Grandma Nancy gave him about Wooley Sheep and on each page there was tiny duck hiding behind the sheep somewhere in the picture. So I asked him to find them. He spotted the duck on all but one page. Sometimes he tells me things and I don't even know that he knows it and so I miss it at first. We are vaguely working on numbers, letters, and colors in the sense that I point them out when we're outside or I ask him what color a car is when it passes. Every number is 2, and when I ask what color something is he says, "Boo... wed... purple" really quickly since he has no idea. And sometimes he says it's the color 2. So it's more for fun and to just introduce the idea than because I think he'll really grasp them super soon.

He also likes to yell BESO! And attack us with a kiss (beso being the Spanish word for kiss). And he likes to sing with us. He knows "Do, Re, Mi, Fa, So" and then he runs out of notes.

We still spend our days singing, dancing to Ma Na Ma Na, coloring with chalk and playing in sand and water, making food (apparently he can pour his own milk now and use a rolling pin quite adeptly), reading TONS AND TONS of books (today I was forced to read him Chicken Soup with Rice three times in a row and Guess How Much I Love You five), coloring with crayons and finger painting, playing with toys, and ordering about the dogs with an imperious tone of voice and demanding they kiss him.