Jenny: August 2008 Archives

This morning


Was Ollie's first day in the toddler room. We had to take home all his stuff from the baby room and bring in a blanket, a change of clothes, etc to the new room. They wanted the clothes to be able to fit him until Winter. This was a bit difficult for us, as he's getting way too big for his summer clothes.


Eric went upstairs and grabbed a pair of brightly striped Zutano pants for him, as they are light weight and 18-24 month. When they got back downstairs Ollie threw a fit. You see, he wanted to wear the pants. So we changed him into them. Then he explained to us, by pointing at them and making siren noises, that he wanted to wear them because the stripes remind him of the flashing lights on emergency vehicles. Then he wanted to wear his hat. At this point he was wearing rainbow striped pants, a white t-shirt that says "I heart London" and a red hat with primary colored critters all over it.


I guess if you're starting your first day of school in the new classroom you should do it in style.


So most places have their season schedules up for the coming year. I was doing some research to see what kinds of arts events we could take Ollie to.

It seems pretty bleak, right now.

Ballet Austin? Nothing. They say their family dance things are all ages, but from the descriptions that's pretty much crap.

Austin Lyric Opera? Nope. They want nothing to do with pre-schoolers.

Austin Symphony Orchestra? Well, they have 1 family concert an appropriate time this year. The have other concerts, but they start at 7. Which is BED TIME. So the one concert went on the calender. Who the hell starts a family concert at 7?

Scottish Rite only has shows for much older kids listed.

Second Youth has shows that look like they will be appropriate but no dates or times.

I'm ruling out anything like Sesame Street Live or whatever. But that's only for now. It's not like Austin is giving me many other options. What the hell? How am I supposed to be cultivating a patron of the arts, people?

Words, words, words


It used to be awesome when Ollie would learn a new word. We would dutifully note it in a book or something. Now he learns new words so quickly that it would be impossible to document them all. My favorite thing is that he's started saying "Love you." Or "ove oo" in return to us. Man does that make me happy. He's also very into group hugs and snuggles where he, dada, and I (and occasionally an animal) all snuggle together and his dada and I cover him with kisses at the same time. And we all make loud "mmmms" of contentment.


It has also been fun watching Ollie make friends. A lot of our friends have noted how their kids are suddenly interested in other people and in developing relationships as well. Ollie has made very good friends with his classmates at school. He spends a great deal of time talking about Coco, Finley, and Lola, who are all about his age and who play together. He talks some about Scout and Josie and the other smaller babes, but it is the ones his age he really likes (along with Dre and Toni his teachers. I think Crystal, who is there in the mornings sometimes is too difficult to say). The other day as we were leaving Lola was sitting by the door and he said "Lola" and waved goodbye to her and she smiled happily and waved back. 


What is interesting to me is that Ollie seems to be a lot like his parents in some respects. One of which is social. He is far more comfortable in familiar spaces where he knows the other people well. We went to a surprise baby shower for our friend Paige on Saturday. The hosts thoughtfully threw the party at Gymboree so all the kids could come and have a blast. While Ollie knew a lot of the kids, he doesn't routinely spend time with them lately. And though Ollie loves singing and dancing, he was unwilling to participate when the leader asked them to do hand motions or sing along (though he did them for Eric days later on his own). Instead he gets overstimulated and freaked out when a new kid tries to make friends with him (poor Sabrina) or stares thoughtfully when the teacher asks him to do a dance or sing. It takes him awhile to warm up to situations or people. If we went to Gymboree all the time, I'm sure he'd have no issue with it. He just wants to acclimate himself to places carefully. He hangs back, or sticks close to me when he's not sure what's going on.   



Lately Ollie has been doing some things that make me giggle like a fool.


Last nights was when we were snuggling him to sleep. I was singing "Feed the Birds," from Mary Poppins, to him. I was singing along, him snuggled against my chest, and when I got to the chorus I sang, "Feed the birds..." only to hear my small boy chime in singing, "bawk, bawk, bawk."